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Ping End-to-end Reporting version 2 (PingER2)


PingER2 - Ping End-to-end Reporting Tool v2


PingER2 has many prerequisites that must be installed before execution. PingER2 may install correctly without the prerequisites, but execution behavior will be undefined.

XML::Simple v2.12

The perl module XML::Simple version 2.12 or higher must be available to PingER2. The easiest way to handle this is to simply install it as root using the CPAN shell. If this is impossible, download the XML::Simple distribution from CPAN (XML-Simple-2.12.tar.gz), unpack the contents, and copy the entire XML-Simple-2.12/lib/XML directory to the data directory where PingER2 is installed. With a standard PingER2 installation this will be /usr/local/share/pinger

ping and ping6

ping must be installed and available to PingER2. If ping6 is not available, PingER2 will not be able to operate in IPv6 mode.


dig (domain information groper) must be available to PingER2 for IPv6 mode. If dig is unavailable, PingER2 will not function in IPv6 mode.


mail must be available to PingER2 in order to notify admins of alarms. If mail is unavailable, alarm notifications will not be sent.


The text browser lynx must be installed in order for PingER2 to download the beacon list.

Java v1.4

To use the interactive configuration tools, Java 1.4 or higher must be installed.


Once the package is unpacked, use the following commands to make and install it:

make test_prereqs

Then as the root user, type

make install
make install_cron ### Only run to make pinger execute automatically
  • Note 1: By default, PingER2 will install into /usr/local/bin To specify a different installation path, specify it as an option to ./configure. For example, to install to /foo/bin: ./configure --prefix=/foo
  • Note 2: If test_prereqs gives any error messages, you must resolve these pre-requisite problems before executing PingER2
  • Note 3: install_cron adds pinger to the cron tab, thereby scheduling it for execution determined by WaitInterval in pinger.xml
  • Note 4: a common omission is to forget to set the <SrcName> in the pinger.xml file to the name of the host running the monitoring.

    PingER2 2.0.7 is the current release of PingER version 2.


    Warren Matthews :, Les Cottrell :